About the Conference
Join us as we celebrate the 11th Annual Municipal Wet Weather Conference (MS4) hosted by EPA Region 4, the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) and the Southeast Chapter of IECA.
The Municipal Wet Weather Conference (MS4) is recognized as a key stormwater industry conference. The MS4 Conference annually draws over 150 attendees consisting of stormwater managers, government professionals, designers, engineers, consultants, contractors, and distributors.
The conference will offer an outstanding list of industry-leading speakers presenting topics ranging from recovery from extreme weather to flood resilience, climate resilience and nature-based solutions, green infrastructure design and maintenance, streambank stabilization in urban environments, stormwater control measures (SCM), water quality treatment volume, construction site runoff management, innovation in the industry, stormwater runoff reduction, solar farm development, operation and maintenance of post-construction water quality practices, MS4 grant funding 101, and MS4 regulatory relationships, training, and compliance.

What Companies Should Sponsor & Exhibit?
Filtration and Drainage
Equipment Manufacturers
Storage/Detention Systems
Monitoring/Sampling/Sensor Equipment
Oil/Water Separator Systems
Permeable Pavement
Flood Control Systems
Compliance Software

The exhibitors are at the hub of the conference activities and the highlight of networking breaks and meals. The main session room is surrounded by the tabletop exhibit spaces available for purchase. The conference schedule will provide ample time for attendees to interact with all exhibitors. Review the engagement opportunity levels below.